Thank you St Jude for answering our prayers AGAIN. We believe in you and thank you.
"May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Adored, Glorified, Loved & Preserved through-out the world, now & forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. Saint Jude, Worker of miracles, pray for us. Saint Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, pray for us." Say the prayer 8 times a day for 9 days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised.
St Jude, thank you for listening to me and giving me hope to improve my financial situation. I've just finished my 9 days of prayers, and my wishes are yet to be granted, but I feel a lot better now.AM
Thank you St. Jude and Sacred Heart of Jesus for listening and answering my prayers. I'm feeling alot better. I continue praying the novena so that H. will be forever mine. Thank you once again I will always praise you St. Jude and make your name and works known
May the most sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved, and preserved throughout the world now and forever Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on us St Jude help of the hopeless, pray for us St Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us
Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. Publication must be promised.
Thank you St Jude for listening and answering my prayers. I Prayed the St Jude Novena for 9 days and my marriage is back to normal. The main issue has been solved. St Jude I don't know how much I can thank you. You have shown me that prayers really work. I will continue praising you, I will encourage people to say the St Jude Novena. Thank you and thank you again blessed St Jude.
Thank you St Jude for answering my prayers. I will continue praising you and I know my other prayer will be answered too. Thank you so much for giving me relief for my life. Thank you once again.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Adored, Glorified, Loved & Preserved throughout the world, now & forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, please pray for me. Saint Jude, Worker of Miracles, please pray for me. Saint Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, please pray for me. Amen."
St. Jude, thank you for answering my prayers in regards to my son Max. He is doing much better and I ask that you continue to help my son as he continues his journey of a sober life. Please give him the strength to continue doing what's right. With the love of a mother that I am and all of my heart, I ask of you this favor. I will forever be grateful and shall let all know what you have done for me. I will always honor you and encourage devotion. Amen
St Jude, thank you for listening to me and giving me hope to improve my financial situation. I've just finished my 9 days of prayers, and my wishes are yet to be granted, but I feel a lot better now.AM
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified,loved and preserved thoughout the world, now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus,pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us....This prayer is so powerful. Thank you so much St. Jude...
dear st jude, we just finished "st jude never fail novena" we come to you n we beg for ur powerful intercession with almighty god! please st jude help us n hear our heartfelt prayers and request!we will wait your help n praise alnighty god for guiding us to seek your help in this neccessity! Amen!Thank you saint jude in advance!! we adore you.kk&cd
I am a private person and it is difficult for me to publish anything. I have asked St. Jude through my novenas for some help in areas of my life that seem hopeless to me. I am not sure why I feel God does not want me to be happy - perhaps because my life has been so difficult. So I have prayed to St. Jude. My novena was difficult; I tried not to be selfish....but still God knows what is in my heart. I believe that St. Jude can help me in many ways if he wants to...and I believe God can help me and grant me what is closest to me if He wants to. My novena was a prayer that He will want to, and that St. Jude will intercede for me, no matter how unlikely my request. Thank you St. Jude.
Thank you St Jude your intercession is unfailing!I posted thanks on 28 February and started another novena which I finished today. They called me to come in and do the competency tests. I know this job is mine!
Thank you St Jude and Sacred Heart of Jesus, I will be ever mindful of your intercession for me to God our Father!
Dear st jude,today a 9th day "st jude never fail novena"finished n we come today to thank you for in interceeding on our behalf n praise almighty god for guiding us to seek your help in this neccessity. we shall wait for our prayer answer. thank you in advance st you.kclucky
thank you saint jude for everything you have done in the past week you have completely changed my life around and have never failed me. Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Intercede with God for me that He bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly - (make your request here) - and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen
May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. Amen.
May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. Amen
St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. Amen.
Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity. (say this prayer, followed by the Our Father the Hail Mary and the Glory be x3)
I always turn to you in times of need and despair to intercede on my behalf. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayers in the past. I will be going in for a biopsy this coming week for a lump that has increased in size from 2 years ago. I pray that it is benign. Please give me strength to get through the procedure and I pray for benign results.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved and glorified throughout the world, now and forever O Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, Helper of the Helpless, please pray for us. Amen
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 9th day your prayer will be answered. It has never failed. Publication must be promised.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us.
Please help me that I may pass in all of my subjects this semester and also please help my brother that he may pass in his school.
Praise be to God, St. Jude and all the saints in heaven, forever! Amen.
St Jude Thank You for hearing my prayers. I have said them in the past and you have never failed me. I am on my ninth day and I have faith that you will answer my prayer.I would like people to know that nothing is impossible.St Jude is always there. All you have to do is say the St Jude Novena for 9 days followed by 3 Our Fathers,3 Hail Mary's3Glory Be's and on the ninth day promise to publish thanks to St Jude. My prayer is that I find an apartment in the area I used to live in and be it safe secure, affordable and have a good landlord ASAP. Thank you again ST Jude I have faith in you that you will answer my prayer.You have never been known to fail. Lisa
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever, Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us.
Please help me that I may pass all of my subjects for this semester,and help my brother pass in his school. Please hear my prayers.
Praise be to God, St. Jude and all the saints forever! Amen.
Dear st jude, i just finshed,"st jude prayer for Depression" i pray for those who suffers depression and anxiety, especially my brother,please help and cure mentaly,physicaly,and emotional,give him strenth, n happiness.And i promise behalf of my brother,i will continue pray,share them always. AMEN.CTD THANK YOU ST JUDE!
May the most sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved, and preserved throughout the world now and forever Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on us St Jude help of the hopeless, pray for us St Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us
Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. Publication must be promised.
I had my biopsy done yesterday and wanted to thank you for giving me the strength to get through the stressful appointment. I now await the results and pray that all the samples taken will be benign.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved and glorified throughout the world, now and forever O Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, Helper of the Helpless, please pray for us. Amen
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 9th day your prayer will be answered. It has never failed. Publication must be promised.
May the most sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved, and preserved throughout the world now and forever Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on us St Jude help of the hopeless, pray for us St Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us
Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. Publication must be promised.
I have prayed for nine days and thank you for the peace it has brought to me and I pray that my prayer will be faithfully considered.
Thank you very much St. Jude! I thought I lost something very dear to me and after I did the 9 days novena, I found it in the most unusual place. It's a miracle! Now I have peace of mind and peace of the heart... Thank you again...
"May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Adored, Glorified, Loved & Preserved through-out the world, now & forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. Saint Jude, Worker of miracles, pray for us. Saint Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, pray for us." Say the prayer 8 times a day for 9 days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised.
St. Jude, your intercession before the Lord is undeniably powerful and efficacious. My academic struggles left me truly hopeless and this semester has proven to be the most tough for me. Desperation took over me. Nonetheless, after reciting a nine hour novena in your honor, you were swift in lifting my prayers to the heavenly throne. I was able to pass my midterms with your assistance. Thank you my powerful patron for once again, you have heard my pleas.
May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. Amen.
May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. Amen
St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. Amen.
Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus and Blessed John Paul II, in all the world and for all Eternity.
Dear St. Jude. Thank you for always being there for us over the years. Thank you for interceding for my son in helping him obtain a good job. I pray for his mental and physical health so he can continue to do well in his job. Love jl
Sacred heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked you for many favours, today, I ask you for this special one ( mention), take it dear heart of Jesus and place it in your Father heart, where in your merciful eyes it will become yours and not mine Amen. say 3 times a day for 3 days. Thank yoy Dear Heart of Jesus, St Martin and the Holy Mother. Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory Be. Please help Noel, Erin,Kyle,Warren,Niall.
O St. Jude, holy Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, you are honored and petitioned by the universal Church, as the patron of desperate, hopeless and impossible cases. Pray for me. Please pray that my legal troubles go away soon and that I may be able to move on without criminal charges and that I may not have to go to jail or prison. Please pray for me that I may strengthen my relationship with our Lord and Saviorour, Jesus Christ. Please pray that my visitation is reinstated with my daughter and that I can put all of these all of these legal problems behind me. Please pray that the Lord will use me as a tool to help others and that my relationship with the Lord is strengthend and that my faith becomes even stronger. I am so very helpless and I feel alone.
Intercede for me that Almighty God may bring swift aid where it is needed most. Come to my assistance in my great time of need!
Pray for me that I may be given the comfort and help of Jesus. Most importantly, I ask that you pray that I may one day join you and all of the saints in heaven to praise God in consolation, rest and joy for all eternity.
I will remember your prayers, O Holy St. Jude. I will honor you as my patron as so many have before me because of the graces God deigns to give freely at your request.
Saint Jude, Thankyou for hearing my prayers. Please pray to Jesus that I am cleared of any and all charges. Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory Be. Jesus have Mercy. Please help me jesus and Holy mother. I love you. Thank you.
St. Jude I am on my eight day of the Novena Prayer. Please intercede with Jesus and please pray for me that all of my prayers and requests are answered. I thank you my special Patron Saint.
Saint Jude This is my last day of the Novena to you Dear St. Jude. Please pray to Jesus for me and intecede on my behalf that all of my prayers are granted. Thank you St. Jude. I will honor you and invoke you always as my special and powerful Patron Saint. Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus!! I praise and glorify you now and forever amen!
O St. Jude, holy Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, you are honored and petitioned by the universal Church, as the patron of desperate, hopeless and impossible cases. Pray for me. I am so very helpless and I feel alone.
Intercede for me that Almighty God may bring swift aid where it is needed most. Come to my assistance in my great time of need!
Pray for me that I may be given the comfort and help of Jesus. Most importantly, I ask that you pray that I may one day join you and all of the saints in heaven to praise God in consolation, rest and joy for all eternity.
I will remember your prayers, O Holy St. Jude. I will honor you as my patron as so many have before me because of the graces God deigns to give freely at your request.
Novena Closing Prayers
May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. — Amen.
May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. — Amen.
St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. — Amen.
Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity.
st Jude thank you for your help please continue to intercede for my special intention that all will be clear with my health and other intentions O St. Jude, holy Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, you are honored and petitioned by the universal Church, as the patron of desperate, hopeless and impossible cases. Pray for me. I am so very helpless and I feel alone.
Intercede for me that Almighty God may bring swift aid where it is needed most. Come to my assistance in my great time of need!
Pray for me that I may be given the comfort and help of Jesus. Most importantly, I ask that you pray that I may one day join you and all of the saints in heaven to praise God in consolation, rest and joy for all eternity.
I will remember your prayers, O Holy St. Jude. I will honor you as my patron as so many have before me because of the graces God deigns to give freely at your request.
Novena Closing Prayers
May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. — Amen.
May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. — Amen.
St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. — Amen.
Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity.
Thank you st Jude for your continued intercessions on my behalf. I prayed a 9 hour novena yesterday for my loved one to open his heart, feel love and want to return to me. I cannot see the results of his feelings but I have strong enough faith in you to hope it took hold as you have never failed me. Thank you st Jude for prayers answered and miracles granted. Blessed be the sacred heart of Jesus. St Jude I am eternally grateful and am praying another today for my partner to resume contact. Please hear my prayer. I will honor you eternally as my patron. Amen.
Thank you Saint Jude for answering my prayers that I don't have any blood clotting disorders and that my friend would beat his cancer. Please continue to help him in his fight.
Thank you St. Jude for your many intercessions in the past and continuing on a daily basis. Please continue to help me in my quest to return home and for my son to keep his job. I am forever grateful.
St. Jude I thank you for your intercession in helping my son to keep his job so that he can support his family. I have faith that my other novenas will also be answered. Thank you.
St Jude thank you for interceding for me. I was desperate at this stage as I lost my job two weeks ago. I prayed the St Jude 9 day novena and I was informed about a job from an agency last Monday and by Friday was offered the job, which is a fantastic role. Every time I have said the Novena God has answered my prayers.I will be forever grateful.
I just wish to give thanks to St. Jude for interceding for my wife and I. I cannot thank God enough for his blessings.
My wife and I were facing false harassment charges brought by a couple next door in league with some corrupt local police officers.
Well come the day of trial, the case was thrown out and unbelievably the two neighbours have now moved - believe me this is a miracle in itself as they had been there 22 years causing all sorts of trouble with the other neighbours.
On top of this I recently landed the best job of my life and start tomorrow. I prayed hard for the court case to be dropped, a job and for God to deal with our neighbours and all my wishes have been granted.
My husband and I have prayed to Saint Jude while going through an extreme hardship these past 2 months. Saint Jude has answered our prayer by sending peace during our ordeal and keeping our family together. I strongly encourage anyone going through a difficulty in life to pray and have faith in Saint Jude it is a beautiful and strong novena. Thank you Saint Jude your kindness and also to Our Blessed Mother Mary and Our Dear Lord Jesus. Amen
Saint Jude, Please bring the man I love back into my life and give me another chance with him. Give us a chance to date and be in a relationship. Bring him to the same state as me and help him find a good job here. Open his heart and mind to giving me another chance and help him to understand why I have acted the way I have. Help our relationship. Find a way to let us either be engaged or be ready to take our relationship to the next level by October 28,2014. I promise not to give up hope and if my intentions are granted, I promise to publish my thanks and gratitude and tell others about you.
Thank you St Jude for answering our prayers AGAIN. We believe in you and thank you.
ReplyDelete"May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
be Adored, Glorified, Loved & Preserved
through-out the world, now & forever.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.
Saint Jude, Worker of miracles, pray for us.
Saint Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, pray for us."
Say the prayer 8 times a day for 9 days.
It has never been known to fail.
Publication must be promised.
St Jude, thank you for listening to me and giving me hope to improve my financial situation. I've just finished my 9 days of prayers, and my wishes are yet to be granted, but I feel a lot better now.AM
ReplyDeleteThank You Blessed St. Jude, Your Grace & the Prayers You Elevated to Our Blessed Lord on my behalf have been answered - Tom
ReplyDeleteThank you St. Jude and Sacred Heart of Jesus for listening and answering my prayers. I'm feeling alot better. I continue praying the novena so that H. will be forever mine. Thank you once again I will always praise you St. Jude and make your name and works known
ReplyDeleteMay the most sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved, and preserved throughout the world now and forever
ReplyDeleteSacred heart of Jesus have mercy on us
St Jude help of the hopeless, pray for us
St Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us
Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. Publication must be promised.
Thank you for hearing my prayers
Thank you St Jude for listening and answering my prayers. I Prayed the St Jude Novena for 9 days and my marriage is back to normal. The main issue has been solved. St Jude I don't know how much I can thank you. You have shown me that prayers really work. I will continue praising you, I will encourage people to say the St Jude Novena. Thank you and thank you again blessed St Jude.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much St. Jude for letting Jo Ellen get better. She is now walking without a limp and I know it is because of the Novena I prayed to you.
ReplyDeleteThank you St Jude for answering my prayers. I will continue praising you and I know my other prayer will be answered too. Thank you so much for giving me relief for my life. Thank you once again.
ReplyDeleteMay the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Adored, Glorified, Loved & Preserved throughout the world, now & forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, please pray for me. Saint Jude, Worker of Miracles, please pray for me. Saint Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, please pray for me. Amen."
ReplyDeleteSt. Jude, thank you for answering my prayers in regards to my son Max. He is doing much better and I ask that you continue to help my son as he continues his journey of a sober life. Please give him the strength to continue doing what's right. With the love of a mother that I am and all of my heart, I ask of you this favor. I will forever be grateful and shall let all know what you have done for me. I will always honor you and encourage devotion. Amen
St Jude, thank you for listening to me and giving me hope to improve my financial situation. I've just finished my 9 days of prayers, and my wishes are yet to be granted, but I feel a lot better now.AM
ReplyDeleteMay the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified,loved and preserved thoughout the world, now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus,pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us....This prayer is so powerful. Thank you so much St. Jude...
ReplyDeleteThank you so much St. Jude. You help me a lot. You're always there to listen to me when I'm down. I have complete my faith in you.
ReplyDeletedear st jude, we just finished "st jude never fail novena" we come to you n we beg for ur powerful intercession with almighty god! please st jude help us n hear our heartfelt prayers and request!we will wait your help n praise alnighty god for guiding us to seek your help in this neccessity! Amen!Thank you saint jude in advance!! we adore you.kk&cd
ReplyDeleteI am a private person and it is difficult for me to publish anything. I have asked St. Jude through my novenas for some help in areas of my life that seem hopeless to me. I am not sure why I feel God does not want me to be happy - perhaps because my life has been so difficult. So I have prayed to St. Jude. My novena was difficult; I tried not to be selfish....but still God knows what is in my heart. I believe that St. Jude can help me in many ways if he wants to...and I believe God can help me and grant me what is closest to me if He wants to. My novena was a prayer that He will want to, and that St. Jude will intercede for me, no matter how unlikely my request. Thank you St. Jude.
ReplyDeleteThank you Saint Jude for prayers answered. I got a job that was needed a lot.
ReplyDeleteThank you St Jude your intercession is unfailing!I posted thanks on 28 February and started another novena which I finished today. They called me to come in and do the competency tests. I know this job is mine!
ReplyDeleteThank you St Jude and Sacred Heart of Jesus, I will be ever mindful of your intercession for me to God our Father!
Dear st jude,today a 9th day "st jude never fail novena"finished n we come today to thank you for in interceeding on our behalf n praise almighty god for guiding us to seek your help in this neccessity. we shall wait for our prayer answer. thank you in advance st you.kclucky
ReplyDeletethank you saint jude for everything you have done in the past week you have completely changed my life around and have never failed me.
ReplyDeleteMost holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone.
Intercede with God for me that He bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly -
(make your request here)
- and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you.
May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. Amen.
May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. Amen
St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. Amen.
Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity.
(say this prayer, followed by the Our Father the Hail Mary and the Glory be x3)
Thank you St Jude for hearing my prayers. You have given me peace. I will continue to honor you. CLK
ReplyDeleteDearest St. Jude,
ReplyDeleteI always turn to you in times of need and despair to intercede on my behalf. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayers in the past. I will be going in for a biopsy this coming week for a lump that has increased in size from 2 years ago. I pray that it is benign. Please give me strength to get through the procedure and I pray for benign results.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved and glorified throughout the world, now and forever O Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, Helper of the Helpless, please pray for us. Amen
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 9th day your prayer will be answered. It has never failed. Publication must be promised.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us.
ReplyDeletePlease help me that I may pass in all of my subjects this semester and also please help my brother that he may pass in his school.
Praise be to God, St. Jude and all the saints in heaven, forever! Amen.
St Jude Thank You for hearing my prayers. I have said them in the past and you have never failed me. I am on my ninth day and I have faith that you will answer my prayer.I would like people to know that nothing is impossible.St Jude is always there. All you have to do is say the St Jude Novena for 9 days followed by 3 Our Fathers,3 Hail Mary's3Glory Be's and on the ninth day promise to publish thanks to St Jude. My prayer is that I find an apartment in the area I used to live in and be it safe secure, affordable and have a good landlord ASAP. Thank you again ST Jude I have faith in you that you will answer my prayer.You have never been known to fail. Lisa
ReplyDeleteMay the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever, Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us.
ReplyDeletePlease help me that I may pass all of my subjects for this semester,and help my brother pass in his school. Please hear my prayers.
Praise be to God, St. Jude and all the saints forever! Amen.
Thank you St Jude
ReplyDeletei am still hoping and praying that St.Jude will intervine and help me get my love of my life back,,, blessings upon everyone who is in need...
ReplyDeleteDear st jude, i just finshed,"st jude prayer for Depression" i pray for those who suffers depression and anxiety, especially my brother,please help and cure mentaly,physicaly,and emotional,give him strenth, n happiness.And i promise behalf of my brother,i will continue pray,share them always. AMEN.CTD THANK YOU ST JUDE!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your prayers St. Jude
ReplyDeleteMay the most sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved, and preserved throughout the world now and forever
Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on us
St Jude help of the hopeless, pray for us
St Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us
Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. Publication must be promised.
Thank You St. Jude I see your blessings.
ReplyDeleteDear St. Jude,
ReplyDeleteI had my biopsy done yesterday and wanted to thank you for giving me the strength to get through the stressful appointment. I now await the results and pray that all the samples taken will be benign.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved and glorified throughout the world, now and forever O Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, Helper of the Helpless, please pray for us. Amen
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 9th day your prayer will be answered. It has never failed. Publication must be promised.
May the most sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved, and preserved throughout the world now and forever
ReplyDeleteSacred heart of Jesus have mercy on us
St Jude help of the hopeless, pray for us
St Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us
Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. Publication must be promised.
I have prayed for nine days and thank you for the peace it has brought to me and I pray that my prayer will be faithfully considered.
Thank you very much St. Jude! I thought I lost something very dear to me and after I did the 9 days novena, I found it in the most unusual place. It's a miracle! Now I have peace of mind and peace of the heart... Thank you again...
ReplyDelete"May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
ReplyDeletebe Adored, Glorified, Loved & Preserved
through-out the world, now & forever.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.
Saint Jude, Worker of miracles, pray for us.
Saint Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, pray for us."
Say the prayer 8 times a day for 9 days.
It has never been known to fail.
Publication must be promised.
Thank you St. Jude for your blessings.
St. Jude, your intercession before the Lord is undeniably powerful and efficacious. My academic struggles left me truly hopeless and this semester has proven to be the most tough for me. Desperation took over me. Nonetheless, after reciting a nine hour novena in your honor, you were swift in lifting my prayers to the heavenly throne. I was able to pass my midterms with your assistance. Thank you my powerful patron for once again, you have heard my pleas.
ReplyDeleteMay the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. Amen.
May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. Amen
St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. Amen.
Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus and Blessed John Paul II, in all the world and for all Eternity.
Thank You St. Jude
ReplyDeleteThank you for your intercession St Jude!
ReplyDeleteDear St. Jude.
ReplyDeleteThank you for always being there for us over the years. Thank you for interceding for my son in helping him obtain a good job. I pray for his mental and physical health so he can continue to do well in his job. Love jl
St. Jude please hear my prayers. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteSacred heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked you for many favours, today, I ask you for this special one ( mention), take it dear heart of Jesus and place it in your Father heart, where in your merciful eyes it will become yours and not mine Amen.
ReplyDeletesay 3 times a day for 3 days. Thank yoy Dear Heart of Jesus, St Martin and the Holy Mother.
Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory Be. Please help Noel, Erin,Kyle,Warren,Niall.
Deletenever fails.
O St. Jude, holy Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, you are honored and petitioned by the universal Church, as the patron of desperate, hopeless and impossible cases. Pray for me. Please pray that my legal troubles go away soon and that I may be able to move on without criminal charges and that I may not have to go to jail or prison. Please pray for me that I may strengthen my relationship with our Lord and Saviorour, Jesus Christ. Please pray that my visitation is reinstated with my daughter and that I can put all of these all of these legal problems behind me. Please pray that the Lord will use me as a tool to help others and that my relationship with the Lord is strengthend and that my faith becomes even stronger. I am so very helpless and I feel alone.
ReplyDeleteIntercede for me that Almighty God may bring swift aid where it is needed most. Come to my assistance in my great time of need!
Pray for me that I may be given the comfort and help of Jesus. Most importantly, I ask that you pray that I may one day join you and all of the saints in heaven to praise God in consolation, rest and joy for all eternity.
I will remember your prayers, O Holy St. Jude. I will honor you as my patron as so many have before me because of the graces God deigns to give freely at your request.
Saint Jude, Thankyou for hearing my prayers. Please pray to Jesus that I am cleared of any and all charges. Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory Be. Jesus have Mercy. Please help me jesus and Holy mother. I love you.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
St. Jude I am on my eight day of the Novena Prayer. Please intercede with Jesus and please pray for me that all of my prayers and requests are answered. I thank you my special Patron Saint.
ReplyDeleteSaint Jude This is my last day of the Novena to you Dear St. Jude. Please pray to Jesus for me and intecede on my behalf that all of my prayers are granted. Thank you St. Jude. I will honor you and invoke you always as my special and powerful Patron Saint. Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus!!
ReplyDeleteI praise and glorify you now and forever amen!
O St. Jude, holy Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, you are honored and petitioned by the universal Church, as the patron of desperate, hopeless and impossible cases. Pray for me. I am so very helpless and I feel alone.
ReplyDeleteIntercede for me that Almighty God may bring swift aid where it is needed most. Come to my assistance in my great time of need!
Pray for me that I may be given the comfort and help of Jesus. Most importantly, I ask that you pray that I may one day join you and all of the saints in heaven to praise God in consolation, rest and joy for all eternity.
I will remember your prayers, O Holy St. Jude. I will honor you as my patron as so many have before me because of the graces God deigns to give freely at your request.
Novena Closing Prayers
May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. — Amen.
May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. — Amen.
St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. — Amen.
Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
st Jude thank you for your help please continue to intercede for my special intention that all will be clear with my health and other intentions
ReplyDeleteO St. Jude, holy Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, you are honored and petitioned by the universal Church, as the patron of desperate, hopeless and impossible cases. Pray for me. I am so very helpless and I feel alone.
Intercede for me that Almighty God may bring swift aid where it is needed most. Come to my assistance in my great time of need!
Pray for me that I may be given the comfort and help of Jesus. Most importantly, I ask that you pray that I may one day join you and all of the saints in heaven to praise God in consolation, rest and joy for all eternity.
I will remember your prayers, O Holy St. Jude. I will honor you as my patron as so many have before me because of the graces God deigns to give freely at your request.
Novena Closing Prayers
May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. — Amen.
May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. — Amen.
St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. — Amen.
Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Thank you st Jude for your continued intercessions on my behalf. I prayed a 9 hour novena yesterday for my loved one to open his heart, feel love and want to return to me. I cannot see the results of his feelings but I have strong enough faith in you to hope it took hold as you have never failed me. Thank you st Jude for prayers answered and miracles granted. Blessed be the sacred heart of Jesus. St Jude I am eternally grateful and am praying another today for my partner to resume contact. Please hear my prayer. I will honor you eternally as my patron. Amen.
ReplyDeleteThank you Saint Jude for answering my prayers that I don't have any blood clotting disorders and that my friend would beat his cancer. Please continue to help him in his fight.
ReplyDeleteThank you St. Jude for your many intercessions in the past and continuing on a daily basis. Please continue to help me in my quest to return home and for my son to keep his job. I am forever grateful.
ReplyDeleteSt. Jude I thank you for your intercession in helping my son to keep his job so that he can support his family. I have faith that my other novenas will also be answered. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteSt Jude thank you for interceding for me. I was desperate at this stage as I lost my job two weeks ago. I prayed the St Jude 9 day novena and I was informed about a job from an agency last Monday and by Friday was offered the job, which is a fantastic role. Every time I have said the Novena God has answered my prayers.I will be forever grateful.
ReplyDeleteI just wish to give thanks to St. Jude for interceding for my wife and I. I cannot thank God enough for his blessings.
ReplyDeleteMy wife and I were facing false harassment charges brought by a couple next door in league with some corrupt local police officers.
Well come the day of trial, the case was thrown out and unbelievably the two neighbours have now moved - believe me this is a miracle in itself as they had been there 22 years causing all sorts of trouble with the other neighbours.
On top of this I recently landed the best job of my life and start tomorrow. I prayed hard for the court case to be dropped, a job and for God to deal with our neighbours and all my wishes have been granted.
Dear LORD, Thank you for everything!
My husband and I have prayed to Saint Jude while going through an extreme hardship these past 2 months. Saint Jude has answered our prayer by sending peace during our ordeal and keeping our family together. I strongly encourage anyone going through a difficulty in life to pray and have faith in Saint Jude it is a beautiful and strong novena. Thank you Saint Jude your kindness and also to Our Blessed Mother Mary and Our Dear Lord Jesus. Amen
ReplyDeleteSaint Jude,
ReplyDeletePlease bring the man I love back into my life and give me another chance with him. Give us a chance to date and be in a relationship. Bring him to the same state as me and help him find a good job here. Open his heart and mind to giving me another chance and help him to understand why I have acted the way I have. Help our relationship. Find a way to let us either be engaged or be ready to take our relationship to the next level by October 28,2014. I promise not to give up hope and if my intentions are granted, I promise to publish my thanks and gratitude and tell others about you.