Thank you again St. Jude for giving me another sign of hope. I will continue to pray to you and publish my devotion. You truly have made me a believer.
Thank you St. Jude for interceding for Valerie and hearing my prayer! I give you thanks! I am eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father Lord Jesus Christ and St. Jude - thank you!
Thank you St. Jude for listening to my prayers as always. I will continue to have faith and know you will answer my prayers and help me get through this tough time I'm having with my ex-husband. I will always be devoted to you! My love always.
Thank you St. Jude for helping me to come for Mass ( so unexpected) and that too with my whole family. Dear Saint, you know the worries in my heart - i am unable to sleep or even smile happily. Please remove my distress.Please fulfil my request - i need a miracle for my child desperately and i need a miraculous change in my life - please show me the right way. I shall always remain devoted to you. Please set everything right for my child and make us happy - we never smile or laugh. We are always angry, sad and fighting. Amen
Dear saint Jude, please do a miracle for me and get me a house of my own asap. Dear Saint, i have waited too long and no one is bothered about me. Everyone has forgotten me - my needs and they don't even care for my feelings, wishes or desires. Not even my basic needs are met. Please gift me a house - i don't have the wherewithal to buy one and my husband and parents take great delight in crushing me over this matter. Please gift me a nice house of my own. Amen
Today, I'm so hopeless. I know I need to give it more time, have faith and hope, but I had a very bad day. I'm fighting to keep my alimony and child support without a reduction. I don't know how I'm going to send my daughter to college and the wonderful man in my life now needs time to heal and not have the relationship that we have had. I'm so heartbroken over everything and can't seem to find my place. Please, please help me get through this. I need a financial miracle, someway to get out of all my debt and move forward. I want so much to love and to be loved again. Please give me the strength, the guidance, the faith and the hope that I so desperately need. Amen
My Dearest St Jude, my wondderful patron Saint thank you so much for coming through for us once again. Thanks for making a way for us with our mortgage. You will always be my patron Saint. I love you Dear St Jude. Sandie
thank you St. Jude for continuing to answer my prayers even in what appear to be the most desperate of times. please send me more signs... just like you have in the past.
I have been praying St. Jude Novenas for 3 years now. In my novena I have multiple requests mostly 5 petitions and in the 3 years I had 80% answered prayers and 20% answered in other ways or unanswered the way I want. I figured out as time pass, I was thankful for the un-answered prayer. Things fall better than I expected.
God has His plans for us and they are for our own good. I remembered I was so desperate I even prayed to get an ex back but never happened. Instead, I met a better man who’s my fiancé now.
Jus last week I prayed for a job and the following day I received a call-a job interview from Singapore. The next days – I got the job and the compensation is more than what I expected! On May 20, I’ll report to work. I am so glad and thankful about the wonders and miracles of St Jude. Of course, we should also do our part like send out resumes if you’re applying for jobs and St. Jude will do the rest. St. Jude, I know before I get fully my request I will have to do some work. I understand that and I am really thankful that you have granted my prayers. Please continue to pray for me so I can receive the machines smoothly and sell them on time. Thank you St. Jude, you’re truly very helpful. Amen
Thank you St. Jude for hearing my prayer that my creditors have compassiom and cooperation...your intercession lightens our burden and gives us a grateful heart
Thank you for your prayers and miraculous gift of aid to my son. I prayed to you before the school year began this year, asking that he blessed with an easy school year where he could catch up to his peers and learn to read and to overcome the physical and developmental challenges he faced.
He has had an amazing year and made such great strides, learning to read and write very well. He continues to get better and grow every day and we owe it all to your prayers and intervention. Thank you so much, St. Jude.
Thank you for answering prayers from the past and for giving me strength during those difficult times. Again, I pray to you to help me get through a medical procedure next week. I pray that everything will go well and that the 4 follow-up test results will all be negative. Once I heal physically I plan to start trying to conceive again. I pray that I will overcome my 4 1/2 years of infertility only to be blessed with a normal, healthy child despite my age. Thank you again for everything you have done for me in the name of the Lord Jesus our Saviour.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved and glorified throughout the world, now and forever O Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, Helper of the Helpless, please pray for us. Amen
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 9th day your prayer will be answered. It has never failed. Publication must be promised.
Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayers in the past and for giving me strength. Today I turn to you once again to help me get through the difficult times in life (too many to list here). For now, I pray that my procedure goes well next week and that the follow-ups will all be negative. I also pray that once this procedure is over and I have physically and mentally healed, that I can start trying to conceive again and overcome my infertility of 4 1/2 years and have a healthy, normal child despite my age. Thanks dear St. Jude for all you have done for me in the past. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us.
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 8th day your prayer will be answered. It has never failed. Publication must be promised.
O most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, people honor and invoke you universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, for I am so helpless and alone. Please help to bring me visible and speedy assistance. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (the stress and strife that is occurring in my home between my aunt, grandmother, and mother. Please end this tension and set things right between everyone in the household) and that I may praise God with you always. Amen.
St Jude I come again in this despaired matter. I thank you that my son eddie will soon be out of jail. My prayer is that the judge will allow him to live with me, but if it not please ask the lord to give him a christian loving home to live at. We need an answer to our prayer he goes to court this friday. Nothing is impossible for you holy St Jude.
Dearest Saint Jude, thank you for your intercessions to Lord God and to Lord Jesus to let my messages get through, and to let me get a reply back. Thank you so much. Also, thank You most of all, Lord God and Lord Jesus for hearing my petitions through the intercessions of Saint Jude, and agreeing to them. :)
St Jude I turn to you again in this difficult time. The judge didnt allow my son to live with me. Please let burkes boarding home be gods will. Let my son eddie be safe and that he continue to read gods word and pray. St Jude help get him a room soon so he can be released from jail. Protect him from his wifes family and help him to do all his probation ask of him and establish the work of his hands.
Thank you St. Jude for your intercession and answering my prayers. You are for Real. Please continue to assist me and others who turn to you for your help.
I prayed to St Jude to bring my beautiful wife back to me in spirit and love and help her and I mend our marriage that has been shaken to its foundation because of my selfishness, lust, betrayal, and sins of the flesh by me. My prayers were answered within 3 days when my wife came to me and wanted to talk. We talked, and cried, and talked and cried some more. She was at the point of looking for a divorce lawyer until I asked St Jude to intercede with God for me. I continued the Novena to St Jude for the full 9 days and then some. I think I'll be praying to St Jude on a regular basis (maybe not quite as much as I pray to the Lord). Thank you St Jude for hearing my prayer and Thanks be to God for working a miracle with me and my wife. I love you Jesus! My faith in the Father, son and the Holy Spirit grows stronger and stronger every day! So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love. - 1 Cor 13:13
Thank you St-Jude for favours received. I pray the Novena daily now, going through some tough times and need to feel that the Lord is with me and that it is now that he is carrying me.
say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. Publication must be promised. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. Never known to fail.
St Jude I come asking your intercession for a financial blessing. My job has cut hours to 18 hours a week. I have medical bills that havent been paid and taxes and regular bills. Help me to get more hours or for me to get a better job elsewhere. St Jude worker of miracles pray for me. Also ask your intercession for person needing a job and more hours and financial blessings.
Dear Saint Jude, i am so worried about my daughter. We cannot afford to send her t9o medical college and she has not done well enugh to get a seat on her own. Moreover, we cannot pay these high fees even if she gets admission. O dear saint, the child is so troubled and no one is there to help her. dear saint, she is struggling to learn up maths, physics, chemistry for the engineering entrance. There is no one - we feel so alone, bereft- please help. Please give her a quick admission without any donations in a good college. Her future looks so bleak and i am so worried about her education. She is so depressed, unhappy and does not know what to do. My parents promised to help and now they are cheating - they are even refusing to give me one lakh - but they have taken over my property and enjoying it. My mother is hell-bent on giving everything to my sister. They are trying their best to corner me when i am in this desperate situation and trying to get me to sign the papers for a paltry sum. Dear Saint, please help us - please do something good for us. i don't know what to ask even - please do not forsake us. Amen
Dear St. Jude I come to you yet again in prayer for my father. He has 4 MRI tests to get through. Give him the strength and courage to get through them all. Give us all the strength to support him as well. I pray there is nothing life threatening that is making him feel the way he has been for the while. Thank you for answering my prayers in the past.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved and glorified throughout the world, now and forever O Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, Helper of the Helpless, please pray for us. Amen
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 9th day your prayer will be answered. It has never failed. Publication must be promised.
Dear Saint Jude I come to you in prayer for my mother. She has complex thyroid nodules and the doctors want to remove the entire gland to make sure there is nothing malignant. I pray everything is benign and that if she chooses the homeopathic approach that her nodules will start to regress over time. This all depends on whether or not they are benign. I pray to you that they are and so that surgery can be avoided due to all the complications involved. Thank you Saint Jude for coming to my aide in the past and for answering my prayers. I am worried for both my parents because they are not in the best of health and I desparately need my prayers answered for both of them.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved and glorified throughout the world, now and forever O Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, Helper of the Helpless, please pray for us. Amen
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 9th day your prayer will be answered. It has never failed. Publication must be promised.
St Jude intercede to make my daughter happier in her last years. Please help her and family accept the hardships of her disease. thank you so very much saint Jude.
Dear St. Jude, please help me get through these very difficults times that my ex-husband brings upon me and my kids. Please don't let the court favor my ex and reduce my alimony and support or make my life more difficult than it already is. I struggle week to week trying to find relief, happiness and peace. Please help us all get through this. Thank you always, in all ways!
Dear St. Jude, my father has he second MRI out of 4 today. Give him the strength and courage to get through them all. Give us all the strength to support him as well. I pray there is nothing life threatening that is making him feel the way he has been for the last while. Thank you for answering my prayers in the past. Also, please ease my troubled mind. I find that the health of both my parents, my challenging child who needs help, and my own health issues have all taken a toll on my marriage. I feel as though everythin around me is fallin apart and I need my prayers answered a little at a time. I pray to you St. Jude as I am a believer in you and Lord Jesus. As always, I thank you for helping me in the past and for answering my prayers.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved and glorified throughout the world, now and forever O Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, Helper of the Helpless, please pray for us. Amen
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 9th day your prayer will be answered. It has never failed. Publication must be promised.
Thank you, St. Jude, for hearing my prayer and interceding for me to sell my property because I so desperately need to make major repairs on my house and to meet other financial obligations. I have faith that it will sell swiftly in this economy to the right buyer for a fair price. Yolanda
Thank you St. Jude for hearing my prayer on behalf of my friend to be free and cleared of all false charges brought against her. Thank you that she is back to normal and happy again. I have faith that you will come through for her like you've done for so many of us. Thank you
ST Jude thank you for answering my prayer and plz help keep helping me with my marriage let things get better thank you and help my daughter graduate from high school
Please answer my prayer and bring health to my grandmother who has been through so much. Grant her the strength to overcome this illness and bring her home to us so we can cherish her. Please St.Jude grant our family this prayer for health.
St Jude, I've prayed to you to intercede on my behalf to ask God to bring Mary Ann my beautiful wife back to me in spirit and love and help her and I mend our marriage that has been shaken to its foundation because of my selfishness, lust, betrayal and sins of the flesh. Though that not happened, yet, I am ever faithful that God's love for me will bring us back together. I know now that I may have to have the patience of Abraham and Jacob. If I am to wait 20 years for my prayers to be answered then let God's will be done. In the meantime I will continue to pray for God's forgiveness and blessings.
please interceede for me and my ex fiance. He ended the relationship as we had been going to through some difficult times and it became a struggle. Please give him the strength to face his mistakes and please let him see and feel the love that we had between us. Love conquers all. Please give him the eyes to see me as he used to and the heart to feel for me what he used to but give him the help he needs to sort out his personal issues with himself. Please dont let him forget me, I love him so deeply and i know we can overcome this break in the path to build a deeper, loving and stronger future together, please let him see this too. I thank you and I will continue to spread the word of your work. I pray for god's blessing on our relationship.
Thank you again St. Jude for giving me another sign of hope. I will continue to pray to you and publish my devotion. You truly have made me a believer.
Thank you St. Jude for interceding for Valerie and hearing my prayer! I give you thanks! I am eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father Lord Jesus Christ and St. Jude - thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the continuing signs - I hope you will continue to answer my prayers. I have faith.
ReplyDeleteThank you St. Jude for listening to my prayers as always. I will continue to have faith and know you will answer my prayers and help me get through this tough time I'm having with my ex-husband. I will always be devoted to you! My love always.
ReplyDeleteSt. Jude please answer my prayer and send me a sign.
ReplyDeleteDevoted to you always.
Thank you St. Jude for helping me to come for Mass ( so unexpected) and that too with my whole family. Dear Saint, you know the worries in my heart - i am unable to sleep or even smile happily. Please remove my distress.Please fulfil my request - i need a miracle for my child desperately and i need a miraculous change in my life - please show me the right way. I shall always remain devoted to you. Please set everything right for my child and make us happy - we never smile or laugh. We are always angry, sad and fighting. Amen
ReplyDeleteDear saint Jude, please do a miracle for me and get me a house of my own asap. Dear Saint, i have waited too long and no one is bothered about me. Everyone has forgotten me - my needs and they don't even care for my feelings, wishes or desires. Not even my basic needs are met. Please gift me a house - i don't have the wherewithal to buy one and my husband and parents take great delight in crushing me over this matter. Please gift me a nice house of my own. Amen
ReplyDeleteSt. Jude please answer my prayer and send me another sign.
ReplyDeleteThank you - always devoted to you.
Dear Saint Jude,
ReplyDeleteToday, I'm so hopeless. I know I need to give it more time, have faith and hope, but I had a very bad day. I'm fighting to keep my alimony and child support without a reduction. I don't know how I'm going to send my daughter to college and the wonderful man in my life now needs time to heal and not have the relationship that we have had. I'm so heartbroken over everything and can't seem to find my place. Please, please help me get through this. I need a financial miracle, someway to get out of all my debt and move forward. I want so much to love and to be loved again. Please give me the strength, the guidance, the faith and the hope that I so desperately need. Amen
My Dearest St Jude, my wondderful patron Saint thank you so much for coming through for us once again. Thanks for making a way for us with our mortgage. You will always be my patron Saint. I love you Dear St Jude. Sandie
ReplyDeletethank you St. Jude for continuing to answer my prayers even in what appear to be the most desperate of times. please send me more signs... just like you have in the past.
ReplyDeleteeternally devoted to you.
thank you so much, St. Jude. your intercession is invaluable.
ReplyDeleteI have been praying St. Jude Novenas for 3 years now.
ReplyDeleteIn my novena I have multiple requests mostly 5 petitions
and in the 3 years I had 80% answered prayers and 20%
answered in other ways or unanswered the way I want.
I figured out as time pass, I was thankful for the un-answered prayer. Things fall better than I expected.
God has His plans for us and they are for our own good.
I remembered I was so desperate I even prayed to get an ex back but never happened. Instead, I met a better man who’s my fiancé now.
Jus last week I prayed for a job and the following day I received a call-a job interview from Singapore. The next days – I got the job and the compensation is more than
what I expected! On May 20, I’ll report to work. I am so glad and thankful about the wonders and miracles of St Jude. Of course, we should also do our part like send out resumes if you’re applying for jobs and St. Jude will do the rest. St. Jude, I know before I get fully my request I will have to
do some work. I understand that and I am really thankful that you have granted my prayers. Please continue to pray for me so I can receive the machines smoothly and sell them on time.
Thank you St. Jude, you’re truly very helpful. Amen
Thank you St. Jude for hearing my prayer that my creditors have compassiom and cooperation...your intercession lightens our burden and gives us a grateful heart
ReplyDeleteDear St. Jude:
ReplyDeleteThank you for your prayers and miraculous gift of aid to my son. I prayed to you before the school year began this year, asking that he blessed with an easy school year where he could catch up to his peers and learn to read and to overcome the physical and developmental challenges he faced.
He has had an amazing year and made such great strides, learning to read and write very well. He continues to get better and grow every day and we owe it all to your prayers and intervention. Thank you so much, St. Jude.
Thank you St Jude for all prayers answered
ReplyDeleteDear St Jude,
ReplyDeleteThank you for answering prayers from the past and for giving me strength during those difficult times. Again, I pray to you to help me get through a medical procedure next week. I pray that everything will go well and that the 4 follow-up test results will all be negative. Once I heal physically I plan to start trying to conceive again. I pray that I will overcome my 4 1/2 years of infertility only to be blessed with a normal, healthy child despite my age. Thank you again for everything you have done for me in the name of the Lord Jesus our Saviour.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved and glorified throughout the world, now and forever O Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, Helper of the Helpless, please pray for us. Amen
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 9th day your prayer will be answered. It has never failed. Publication must be promised.
Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayers in the past and for giving me strength. Today I turn to you once again to help me get through the difficult times in life (too many to list here). For now, I pray that my procedure goes well next week and that the follow-ups will all be negative. I also pray that once this procedure is over and I have physically and mentally healed, that I can start trying to conceive again and overcome my infertility of 4 1/2 years and have a healthy, normal child despite my age. Thanks dear St. Jude for all you have done for me in the past. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us.
ReplyDeleteSay this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 8th day your prayer will be answered. It has never failed. Publication must be promised.
Thank you St. Jude you never stop listening to my prayers and sending me signs. I am so grateful. I won't stop believing in you.
O most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, people honor and invoke you universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, for I am so helpless and alone. Please help to bring me visible and speedy assistance. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (the stress and strife that is occurring in my home between my aunt, grandmother, and mother. Please end this tension and set things right between everyone in the household) and that I may praise God with you always. Amen.
ReplyDeleteSt Jude I come again in this despaired matter. I thank you that my son eddie will soon be out of jail. My prayer is that the judge will allow him to live with me, but if it not please ask the lord to give him a christian loving home to live at. We need an answer to our prayer he goes to court this friday. Nothing is impossible for you holy St Jude.
ReplyDeleteThanks to Saint Jude for answering my prayers. Praise be to God!
ReplyDeleteDearest Saint Jude, thank you for your intercessions to Lord God and to Lord Jesus to let my messages get through, and to let me get a reply back. Thank you so much. Also, thank You most of all, Lord God and Lord Jesus for hearing my petitions through the intercessions of Saint Jude, and agreeing to them. :)
ReplyDeleteSt. Jude thank you for all the signs you have given me thus far and for listening to my prayers. Please continue to send me signs of hope.
Thank You Saint Jude for your intercession and answering my prayers.
ReplyDeleteSt Jude I turn to you again in this difficult time. The judge didnt allow my son to live with me. Please let burkes boarding home be gods will. Let my son eddie be safe and that he continue to read gods word and pray. St Jude help get him a room soon so he can be released from jail. Protect him from his wifes family and help him to do all his probation ask of him and establish the work of his hands.
ReplyDeleteThank you St. Jude for your intercession and answering my prayers. You are for Real. Please continue to assist me and others who turn to you for your help.
ReplyDeleteI prayed to St Jude to bring my beautiful wife back to me in spirit and love and help her and I mend our marriage that has been shaken to its foundation because of my selfishness, lust, betrayal, and sins of the flesh by me. My prayers were answered within 3 days when my wife came to me and wanted to talk. We talked, and cried, and talked and cried some more. She was at the point of looking for a divorce lawyer until I asked St Jude to intercede with God for me. I continued the Novena to St Jude for the full 9 days and then some. I think I'll be praying to St Jude on a regular basis (maybe not quite as much as I pray to the Lord). Thank you St Jude for hearing my prayer and Thanks be to God for working a miracle with me and my wife. I love you Jesus! My faith in the Father, son and the Holy Spirit grows stronger and stronger every day! So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love. - 1 Cor 13:13
ReplyDeletewow. I wrote this almost two years ago.
Deletethank you Lord for being there for me.
Thank you St-Jude for favours received. I pray the Novena daily now, going through some tough times and need to feel that the Lord is with me and that it is now that he is carrying me.
ReplyDeleteAmen and thank you
say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. Publication must be promised. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. Never known to fail.
ReplyDeleteSt Jude I come asking your intercession for a financial blessing. My job has cut hours to 18 hours a week. I have medical bills that havent been paid and taxes and regular bills. Help me to get more hours or for me to get a better job elsewhere. St Jude worker of miracles pray for me. Also ask your intercession for person needing a job and more hours and financial blessings.
ReplyDeleteDear Saint Jude, i am so worried about my daughter. We cannot afford to send her t9o medical college and she has not done well enugh to get a seat on her own. Moreover, we cannot pay these high fees even if she gets admission. O dear saint, the child is so troubled and no one is there to help her. dear saint, she is struggling to learn up maths, physics, chemistry for the engineering entrance. There is no one - we feel so alone, bereft- please help. Please give her a quick admission without any donations in a good college. Her future looks so bleak and i am so worried about her education. She is so depressed, unhappy and does not know what to do. My parents promised to help and now they are cheating - they are even refusing to give me one lakh - but they have taken over my property and enjoying it. My mother is hell-bent on giving everything to my sister. They are trying their best to corner me when i am in this desperate situation and trying to get me to sign the papers for a paltry sum. Dear Saint, please help us - please do something good for us. i don't know what to ask even - please do not forsake us. Amen
ReplyDeleteDear St. Jude I come to you yet again in prayer for my father. He has 4 MRI tests to get through. Give him the strength and courage to get through them all. Give us all the strength to support him as well. I pray there is nothing life threatening that is making him feel the way he has been for the while. Thank you for answering my prayers in the past.
ReplyDeleteMay the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved and glorified throughout the world, now and forever O Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, Helper of the Helpless, please pray for us. Amen
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 9th day your prayer will be answered. It has never failed. Publication must be promised.
Dear Saint Jude I come to you in prayer for my mother. She has complex thyroid nodules and the doctors want to remove the entire gland to make sure there is nothing malignant. I pray everything is benign and that if she chooses the homeopathic approach that her nodules will start to regress over time. This all depends on whether or not they are benign. I pray to you that they are and so that surgery can be avoided due to all the complications involved. Thank you Saint Jude for coming to my aide in the past and for answering my prayers. I am worried for both my parents because they are not in the best of health and I desparately need my prayers answered for both of them.
ReplyDeleteMay the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved and glorified throughout the world, now and forever O Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, Helper of the Helpless, please pray for us. Amen
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 9th day your prayer will be answered. It has never failed. Publication must be promised.
St Jude intercede to make my daughter happier in her last years. Please help her and family accept the hardships of her disease.
ReplyDeletethank you so very much saint Jude.
St Jude,
DeletePlease send this woman my prayers as well to Jesus. Jesus, Hold her close to your side. Amen.
Dear St. Jude, please help me get through these very difficults times that my ex-husband brings upon me and my kids. Please don't let the court favor my ex and reduce my alimony and support or make my life more difficult than it already is. I struggle week to week trying to find relief, happiness and peace. Please help us all get through this. Thank you always, in all ways!
ReplyDeleteDear St. Jude, my father has he second MRI out of 4 today. Give him the strength and courage to get through them all. Give us all the strength to support him as well. I pray there is nothing life threatening that is making him feel the way he has been for the last while. Thank you for answering my prayers in the past. Also, please ease my troubled mind. I find that the health of both my parents, my challenging child who needs help, and my own health issues have all taken a toll on my marriage. I feel as though everythin around me is fallin apart and I need my prayers answered a little at a time. I pray to you St. Jude as I am a believer in you and Lord Jesus. As always, I thank you for helping me in the past and for answering my prayers.
ReplyDeleteMay the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved and glorified throughout the world, now and forever O Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, Helper of the Helpless, please pray for us. Amen
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 9th day your prayer will be answered. It has never failed. Publication must be promised.
Thank you St. Jude for your intercession and helping me,please give me a sign.
ReplyDeleteThank you St. Jude for interceeding and answering my requests in nine days to come. I will continue to have faith.
ReplyDeleteThank you, St. Jude, for hearing my prayer and interceding for me to sell my property because I so desperately need to make major repairs on my house and to meet other financial obligations. I have faith that it will sell swiftly in this economy to the right buyer for a fair price. Yolanda
ReplyDeleteThank you St. Jude for hearing my prayer on behalf of my friend to be free and cleared of all false charges brought against her. Thank you that she is back to normal and happy again. I have faith that you will come through for her like you've done for so many of us. Thank you
ReplyDeleteThank you St. Jude for answering my prayer. Although I did not get my job back I did receive a nice settlement
ReplyDeleteST Jude thank you for answering my prayer and plz help keep helping me with my marriage let things get better thank you and help my daughter graduate from high school
ReplyDeleteDear St.Jude
ReplyDeletePlease answer my prayer and bring health to my grandmother who has been through so much. Grant her the strength to overcome this illness and bring her home to us so we can cherish her. Please St.Jude grant our family this prayer for health.
St Jude,
ReplyDeleteI've prayed to you to intercede on my behalf to ask God to bring Mary Ann my beautiful wife back to me in spirit and love and help her and I mend our marriage that has been shaken to its foundation because of my selfishness, lust, betrayal and sins of the flesh. Though that not happened, yet, I am ever faithful that God's love for me will bring us back together. I know now that I may have to have the patience of Abraham and Jacob. If I am to wait 20 years for my prayers to be answered then let God's will be done. In the meantime I will continue to pray for God's forgiveness and blessings.
Can any one please share the prayer to st jude for selling house?
ReplyDeleteI pray st jude to help me pass all my classes at school. Also help me build a strong relationship with timmy. I will praise you and be grateful.
ReplyDeleteDear st Jude,
ReplyDeleteplease interceede for me and my ex fiance. He ended the relationship as we had been going to through some difficult times and it became a struggle. Please give him the strength to face his mistakes and please let him see and feel the love that we had between us. Love conquers all. Please give him the eyes to see me as he used to and the heart to feel for me what he used to but give him the help he needs to sort out his personal issues with himself. Please dont let him forget me, I love him so deeply and i know we can overcome this break in the path to build a deeper, loving and stronger future together, please let him see this too. I thank you and I will continue to spread the word of your work. I pray for god's blessing on our relationship.